
Tolkappiyanar library

Libraries Always Remind Me That There Are Good Things in This world.
Louren Ward
I Have Found The Most Valuable thing in my wallet is my Library Card
Laura Bush
                As a part of sanmarga sabai Tolkkapiyanar Puthaga salai alies library was established in 1910.On the memory of Tolkappiyanar who laid down a grammar for tamil the devotion to the language of the council that honored him in 1910 is commendable. This library is the first memorial to Tolkappiyar in Tamil Nadu. The library has 250 Tamil and Vadamozhi books in the first year. Magazines such as Sudeshamithran, Sentamil, Gnanasagaram, Gnanasithar, vidhayapanu, Neelalosini etc were purchased . Dr. U.VE.CHA praised the library in 1934 saying, “It is an exaggeration to say that many people will benefit from it”.
               The library has been functioning well so that not only the Tamil scholars can benefit from it but also the people in the village, now it is affiliated with Ganesar Senthamil  College. A large number of research papers were added to enrich Tamil studies, scholars and research students doing in Tamil have been using rare books and old magazines that come to library from time to time.
              It is the legendary library of the parish , 4000 copies of rare palanth Tamil books and new publications and Vadamozhi and English books are included villagers are being and reading it free of charge. This work has been going on for half a century.
           The library services are automated in 2018 through the standard software “Digital Library” 2016 version. The Library is fully computerized with bar – coding system. The Library function from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm (Working Days) and during Saturdays 9.00 am to 4.00pm extended. Library hours facilitate extensive Library usage and reference works by the students and staff. 
          The General Library with well – furnished reading room, stack room and reference section and periodical section. There are well classified and catalogued books and documents available with computerized lending system.
• Books are arranged according to the classification methods
• A separate periodical section 
• Rare book is the spatiality of our library 
   We are conducting CLISc (Certificate in Library and Information Science) in combined with Bharathidasan University IECD (Institute of Entrepreneurship and Carrier Development) from 2010 to till date.  It is three month Certificate Course. SSLC pass is a basic qualification for the students. Fees 2600/-Rs. Students are very eagerly joined the course. The classes are conducted after college Hours.
      Our college is a Recognition Ph.D Research Center for  Library and Information Science from 2011
   We have conducted Awareness Programme and   Book Fair every year.


  • Library is a gate way to cognitive society.  
  • To satisfy the information needs of the cognitive society by providing effective library service.  
  • Empowering students in research and develop learning community with deep expertise.


  • To promote life – long learning to provide Educational, Informational, Recreational to all user community.
  • The mission is to provide college students with the information they need to achieve their highest academic potential and help them acquire research skills necessary for lifelong learning.
  • To support teaching faculty & administrative staff and to participate in interactive information to exchange within the wider library/ educational community.

View Of the Library

Library Area : Total area of the library is 2012.85 sq.ft.

Seating Capacity - 75

Library Timings

Working Days : 9.00 am -6.00 pm
Saturday : 9.00 am – 4.00 pm
During Exams 9.00 am –  4.00 pm
Library Service is not offered on Government holidays & Sundays.

Library Resources

Total No. of Books          : 34634
Total No. of Titles           : 18044
Total No. of Ref.Books  : 1203
Book Bank Books            : 1200
Back Volume Journals  : 152
Rare Books                       : 164
Theses & Dissertations  : 1201
Journals & Magazines   : 44
E-Resources                     : NLIST
E- Content                        : 120